Friday, April 10, 2015


y do sum ppl
luv these statues
so much?

wat have statues evr done 4 mankind?

y do dudes like hofmeyr
chain themselves 2 an apart-hate relic
or, better still …
y wud an old white-superiority dude
if he were alive
want 2 be chained
2 a relic
like hofmeyr

shud we send chester missing
2 scare them both?

if ppl did not
take chances in
post-nazi germany,
y do they take chances
in post-horror south africa?

crazy. insane. lol. (4 u over 4ties,
dat duz not mean lots of luv)

i'm sure zuma’s stasi
is watching dis chain gang
so let’s 4get about them
…. BTW
d eyeballs of the state
may be on us 2o
if they r not infighting, dat is

we r celebrating
we r like swag, sick, chilled
all rolled into 1

we r so amped
so chuffed
dat rhodes bit d dust,
so 2 speak


if he was sent 2 germany
he cud be a rock star or a BFF
for fervent far-right youth
i mean hofmeyr, not kruger

kruger was just
sitting on church square
it’s u, d older gnr8n, dat caused d problem
dat left him alone
wen we shud have put him
& his boer-republic story
in d museum

what u, d older gnr8n, gave d youth
as a gift 4 our future
is a combination of
onion, lemon & rotten apple, with worms,
thx 4 nothing

one day, ppl of mzansi, we won’t have 2
fling poo, pee, student hurl
or even, my fave, luminous green paint

like, nevr, nevr & nevr again

but 4 now, 1ce d after-party is ovr
we have sum statues 2 paint